Educational Micro Lending ProjectMicro finance is a world wide concept that has successfully raised thousands of individuals and families out of poverty and helped them create sustainable entrepreneurial small businesses through education, mentoring, and business loans for start up or expansion expenses. Here in San Miguel de Allende this has been occurring on a small scale through the efforts of Apoyo a Gente Emprendedora both independently and in combination with other organizations. Internationally, Rotary clubs have been doing this successfully in central and south America, Africa, Asia, and many countries throughout the free world. The planned partnership between Midday Rotary Club and Apoyo is intended to expand the scope and reach of what Apoyo has been able to do by increasing the funds available for lending. |
After 18 years we know that we are not alone in our conviction that investing in the creation of income producing activities is vital to improving the wellbeing in our communities
Read some success stories HERE |
Midday Rotary Club of San Miguel de Allende
Club 70057 - Rotary District 4140
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
Club 70057 - Rotary District 4140
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico